"Store heavy rainfall in built-up cities with ease!"
Weather extremes, urbanization, and global trends present new challenges that demand innovative solutions. We can leverage and develop technologies to secure a sustainable future:
Water Storage and Adaptation
Implementing technologies to manage water storage and adapt to extreme weather events.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable
Advancing measures and technologies to enhance energy efficiency and promote sustainable practices.
By embracing these challenges, we pave the way for a future that is sustainable and livable for everyone!
JUMBO BLOCK® street retention offers a revolutionary approach to managing rainwater beneath our roads. This technology not only provides effective flood protection but also supports water storage and reuse.
The JUMBO BLOCK® system is designed for flexibility and adaptability, making it suitable for deployment in a wide range of areas and conditions, including historic old towns.
Safeguard your buildings and urban infrastructure from rainwater flooding with our unlimited retention volume system. Take proactive measures to reduce erosion, minimize environmental impacts, and preserve valuable water resources, all while enhancing water quality.
Make use of stored rainwater to reduce water consumption and efficiently irrigate green spaces and plants, all while lowering costs associated with rainwater drainage.
Large-volume hollow blocks beneath the road surface effectively store or infiltrate rainwater, reducing flood risks and ensuring sustainable environmental protection.
IoT water level sensors offer real-time data on water levels, turning the system into an intelligent flood protection tool and a crucial resource for informed water management decisions.
Stored rainwater can be repurposed for irrigating green spaces or other uses, promoting sustainable water practices.
"The thing about climate change is that both the Earth's ecosystem and human settlements and infrastructure are highly adapted to what the climate has been like over the past centuries. Therefore, any form of change—whether global warming or cooling—is always negative because it leads to poor adaptation. Take the massive floods we have experienced almost every week somewhere in the world over the past months. If this had been the norm for centuries, rivers and sewage systems would be adapted to handle such water. But because we are not accustomed to it, disasters occur. That is the problem with climate change."
Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research